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Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone be a seller?

Anyone can become a seller. However,if your ratings fall below 3/5, or if you have complaints written about you/your baking, we will have to monitor your ratings, and if it remains at a low rating, we will have to block you from selling.

What times can I order?

The collection times are dependent on the seller. They will have a selection of collection times convenient for them. As a buyer, you will have to select one of the collection times available for that seller.

How do I collect my baked goods?

The collection of your baked goods can be arranged with the seller if they have not specified on their page.

Can I pay by cash?

You may select to pay online or by cash. However, if you come to collect your order with insufficient cash, the seller has the right to refuse the transaction.


Couldn't find your answer? Contact us!

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Email: mail@teabreak.com